AEHC brings together employers who purchase healthcare to exchange information and experiences. We promote transparency and fair pricing, improve healthcare quality and safety, and stay informed about national policy changes.




man giving AEHC conference in press room

EDUCATE on healthcare strategies from the most successful benefits programs and experts in the state and nationally

Engage and collaborate with other employers. Learn innovative benefit strategies to control cost now and for the long term

Relevant and practical resources such as:

PBM Playbook
Certified Health Value Professional (CHVP) course library and certification
National benchmarking with hundreds of employers from around the country

Recent Events & webinars:

Healthcare Kaizen- using Lean/Six Sigma approaches for healthcare benefits
Price Transparency – utilizing new tools available to employers to improve market position
High-Cost Claims Project –managing ever growing “shock claims”
PBM and Drug Strategies for Employers

Partnerships with national organizations:

National Alliance of Healthcare Purchasing Coalitions
Validation Institute
The Leapfrog Group

Collaborate with fellow coalition members, share best practices, and access valuable members-only resources.

IMPROVE quality and value of healthcare in Alabama

Hospital Safety
AEHC invites all hospitals in the State to participate in the Leapfrog Hospital Survey. Hospitals demonstrate their commitment to safety and transparency through voluntary participation. It tests computerized physician order entry (CPOE) for drugs and the effectiveness of that system in alerting prescribers to ordering errors. It is also an important source of maternity data which not reported elsewhere. Go to our Hospital Safety Page here.

Price Transparency
AEHC promotes price transparency as a starting point to create a functional healthcare market. Members have contributed data to the Employer Hospital Price Transparency Project which created tools to compare hospital cost, price, and quality for facilities in 49 states.

Access Sage Transparency Dashboard here

Arrow pointing up with people's faces inside (concept artist) and paper form with title AEHC Employers Improvement in Alabama.
judge gavel and smiling man with a sack under his arm and a paper in his right hand, in front of a united states flag (collage image)

MONITOR healthcare policy that affects our ability to purchase effectively

Educate policymakers on employers’ perspective.

Regular policy updates on State and Federal legislation

Opportunities to sign-on with others to support important initiatives

“Engaging employers with healthcare…and each other”