AEHC is an employer-led coalition that engages all stakeholders in the healthcare equation. We welcome three membership groups: Employers, Hospitals, and Associates.
Employer for profit and Government/Non-profit (Voting)
Any employer in Alabama that does not provide health care services, health insurance, benefits advisory, or health care claims administration.
Hospitals for profit and Government/Non-profit (Non-voting)
Are healthcare providers that are also significant employers.
Associates (Non-Voting)
Industry stakeholders that provide services related to health benefits delivery. Board approval is required.
Your membership supports our efforts to serve you and other employers. Our operating funds come primarily from membership dues. Our pricing is designed so that if you can avoid or reduce even a small healthcare claim through something learned here, you will come out ahead. Memberships renew annually.
Quarterly Statewide Employer-Only Sessions
Timely Healthcare Legislative Updates
Members-Only Directory And Resources
Discounted Certified Health Value Professional (CHVP) certification
Discounted Access To National Healthcare Events (ex. Health Benefits Nation)
In-Person Networking And Education Events
Click below to see EMPLOYEE Count PRICING and join!
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