Presented by Alabama Employer Health Consortium, Mississippi Business Group on Health, Oklahoma Business Collective on Health, Employers’ Advanced Cooperative on Healthcare, and Louisiana Business Group on Health.
Alabama Employers, mark your calendars! Join us for an informal lunch at Felix’s Fish Camp on January 23rd. It's a great opportunity to connect with your peers...
Julie Selesnick has been practicing law since 2001, and has over twenty years of experience in complex dispute resolution forums representing plaintiffs and defendants...
This webinar will bring together employers to listen, learn, and understand more about the effect headaches, including migraines...
Keeping It Real: Revolutionize Employer Healthcare with Outcomes-Driven, Holistic, and Scalable Benefit Design Strategies
We are excited to announce our upcoming meeting on High-Cost Gene & Cell Therapies, a pivotal event addressing one of healthcare's biggest challenges...
This webinar will bring together employers from the Southeast to listen, learn, and understand more about the drug supply chain and managing pharmacy benefits in the age of transparency...
Reports to review the most critical carrier performance metrics and hold carriers accountable.
Come gather with us to commemorate the accomplishments of the past year and ignite the spirit for the year ahead.
Learn from experts and your colleagues how employers are leveraging primary care to improve the culture of health at their companies.
Topics will cover how employers can influence the quality and safety of the hospitals in their communities and how they can work with healthcare providers directly on pricing and purchasing healthcare.
AEHC welcomes our employer members and all who are interested in improving the quality, access, and cost of healthcare to enjoy networking, professional headshots, appetizers, and drinks.
Come join AEHC and other employers for an employer-only brown bag session! During this call, we will provide recent policy updates related to employers health offerings!
Come enjoy lunch and discussion with your peers. Our topic for this meeting will be new regulations establishing fiduciary responsibility for health plan spending.
Come enjoy lunch and discussion with your peers. Our topic for this meeting will be Price Transparency in Health Care and your Fiduciary Responsibility.
Come enjoy lunch and discussion with your peers. Our topic for this meeting will be Price Transparency in Health Care and your Fiduciary Responsibility.
Interactive demonstration of how Phifer, Inc handles their healthcare benefits challenges through a Kaizen approach brought to you by Alabama Employer Health Consortium.
We are excited to have our employer purchasers getting off the healthcare sidelines for a discussion with Senator Doug Jones...
Please join us to network with your fellow benefits professionals and learn about Value-based Healthcare and why it matters...
Please join us to network with your fellow benefits professionals and share approaches RELATED TO HEALTHCARE!
Please join us to network with your fellow benefits professionals and share approaches RELATED TO HEALTHCARE!
Please join us to network with your fellow benefits professionals and share approaches RELATED TO HEALTHCARE!
Please join us for an event to learn about innovations in employer health, employer benefits, and healthcare value on July 11 in Spanish Fort, Al. Learn more...
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