AEHC Re-Energizing Mixer July 13th, 2023 flyer

AEHC Re-Energizing Mixer on July 13th, 2023

AEHC welcomes our employer members and all who are interested in improving the quality, access, and cost of healthcare to enjoy networking, professional headshots, appetizers, and drinks, at Avenue D, located in the Lakeview District of Birmingham. With both indoor and outdoor spaces, we will be able to enjoy a beautiful evening together, regardless of our unpredictable Alabama weather.

July 13, 2023
4 pm - 6 pm CT
Avenue D
3008 4th Avenue South
Birmingham, AL 35233

Please RSVP By Going Here

What is the AEHC?
The Alabama Employer Health Consortium is Alabama’s employer-led non-profit dedicated to the improvement of healthcare benefits.

Questions? Please contact Jimmie Bottcher, Director of Member Engagement by going here.

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