PBM Transparency event

Transparency in the Drug Supply Chain: How Does It Help Employers

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This program is presented by the Alabama Employer Health Consortium and the Mississippi Business Group on Health with support from Merck Pharmaceuticals.

There is growing interest in the fiduciary responsibility for plan managers under the ERISA, where one of the first lawsuits testing this concern was filed by an employee and plan member against the plan managers of their J & J sponsored health plan for employees. Transparency, affordability, and access play a role in plan management, where employees can do more to provide a meaningful plan for employees and their families.

Attendees will leave with action steps to improve their pharmacy benefits programs and utilize transparency tools to improve their plans, which can boost affordability and access to plan members.


  1. To build awareness of the opportunity to improve your employer-sponsored health and pharmacy plan by addressing transparency, affordability, and access.
  2. To educate the attendees on the stakeholders’ views of pharmacy spending within an employer-sponsored plan and their perspectives on solutions.
  3. To demonstrate the importance of employers as a key participant within the drug supply chain.

Target Audience:The target audience is employers and employer benefits professionals in the southern part of the US.

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